Version 1.6.5


Thank you for choosing our product and for giving us opportunity to be part of your company vision! Remember to get familiar with doc. files which include necessary information about our theme and its features!

    • Key Featurres

    • Retina-ready
    • Cross browser compatibility
    • Visual Composer Included + $34 Value!
    • Revolution Slider Included + $19 Value!
    • One Click Demo Install
    • Google Fonts
    • Speakers Post Type
    • Fullwidth Menu, multicolumn Menu
    • Schedule Post Type
    • Fully Responsive and Liquid grid
    • Build with Bootstrap 3+
    • Clean and Responsive Design
    • Unlimited Color schemes
    • 500+ Icons for Font Awsome
    • Animations and pre-loaders
    • Slide and toggle schedule
    • WooCommerce
    • Google Map with unlimited markers!
    • Easy to customize
    • Parallax effect supported
    • SEO-friendly
    • Contact form7 compatibility
    • Style compatibility of Visual Composer elements and add-ons
    • Premium support
    • Translation Ready: Translate to any language due to included po. files.
    • General info

      Eventime is the WordPress theme created not only for business activities related with meetings and events, because it can also be easily adopted for lots of different purposes such as theatre sites, clubs sites or creative agencies and corporations sites. Latest version of Visual Composer and Revolution slider is fully customizable and compatible with Eventime WP theme, many shortcodes, Schedule and Speakers post types, Grid blogs and galleries, sliders and VC elements, Animations, Fonts, sticky menu etc. We provide you a theme which you’re be able to effortlessly customize, theme with limitless capabilities of modification .


      We are opened for any questions, suggestions and recommendations .We are always willing to assist our clients and develop ourselves. We will reply to all messages by email: chaykovskiythemes@gmail.com

      Note: If you contact us directly via email, please attach your purchase code:



Firstly please make sure that you unpacked Eventime WP theme file. It’s very important! Installation can be completed in two different ways:

1) WordPress Theme Manager - go to Appearance > Themes > Add new > Upload, select zipped theme folder called eventime.zip and press “Install Now” button. The WordPress will take care of the rest of the installation.

2) FTP upload - upload non-zipped theme folder called “eventime” to /wp-content/themes/ folder in your WordPress installation folder on your server.

IMPORTANT!!! After theme installation, at the top you will find a box with information about required and optional plugins. To install and activate them, please navigate to Appearance > Install Plugins section, and install necessary plugins. We included following plugins: Eventime Post Types (required), Slider Revolution (optional), Visual Composer (required).


Demo content

Eventime has a one Click Demo Install option. If you are using this one, you don`t need to use .xml files no longer. All you need to do is go to Appearance > Upload Demo Data section and choose which particular components you want to install. You can select if you want to install whole content, one of homepages, content, options or widgets.

Important note!
If you want to download WooCommerce products, orders etc. please activate WooCommerce plugin first.


Eventime Options

Eventime Options is location of theme extensive configuration. To view the panel, navigate to “Eventime Options” in the "Appearance" menu. Here you have the ability to alter many core aspects that influence how your theme looks and reacts. All of the ambiguous options include convenient descriptions explaining their purpose.

  • Global settings

    Logo - you can upload logo and set sizes in px to better view.
    Site animations - switch on/off and set animation effect
    Social intergarion - turn on/off social buttons on posts, provide links to share buttons
    Side bar position - use left or right position of sidebar in blog. To use full width blog layout without sidebar, please delete all widgets from sidebar in Appearance -> Widgets

  • Loaders settings

    10 different loader spinners, you can choose one you want for all pages

  • Color settings

    Main Site Colors - settings of site color scheme:
    index color - for main graphic and text elements,
    header bar (navbar) - background with alfa and link color,
    gradient background start and end color,
    Loader background color with alpha settings

  • Header Options

    Header height Fixed height

  • Font settings

    Google fonts - add/remove fonts, select weight and subseet

  • Footer

    Copyright note - enable/disable copyright note on second footer and provide content of note
    Social Icons - enable/disable social icons on footer and provide content of links

  • Additional CSS/JS

    CSS - put your custom css, that will be rendered after all styles on the page source
    JS - put any JS code, that will be rendered on the bottom in page source

  • Contact form

    Contact form settings allows you to define email and subject of contact form.
    IMPORTANT! - you need to provide email address after installation, if email address is empty –"Unknown error" message will appear in the contact form sending response

  • Speakers Post Types

    Speakers Post Type allows you to define personal information of a speaker
    You can provide follow info:
    - Name of Speake
    - Description
    - Photo (in featured image section) - Speaker Affiliation (in additional data on the bottom of page) img09

    Schedule Post Types

    Schedule Post type allows you to create a schedule or line up of your conference.
    You can create as many schedules as you want. Every schedule is a single post.
    Inside the schedule you can to choose a DAY, inside the DAY you can choose ENTERIES.

    DAY description:
    Day Name - navigation label
    Day of Month - is the place for number which will be displayed in the border box.
    Month - is the input that defines description of the number above.
    entry description
    Time - information which will be displayed on the left side of each event.
    Heading - title of Entry (display on the right of time)
    Subheading - subtitle of Entry. (displayed below Headline)
    Separator size - define height of entry, on the left position it's low, center - normal and the right position defines the highest available height.
    Description - provide here the content of accordion, which will be displayed after clicking on entry.

    Eventime Shortcodes

    Allows you to use additional functions of vc and eventime. Here is the description of each one:

    Speakers shortcode - allows you to put speaker section with title and description of this section. This shortcode can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for all section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to set background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    On the bottom of speaker shortcode you need to select featured speaker (only one) and other speakers you want to display below.
    Schedule shortcode - allows you to past schedule section with title and description of section. This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for a whole section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    On the bootom of shortcode settings you need to select needed schedule to display, every schedule shortcode allows you to display only selected schedule.
    Contact- allows you to past Contact section with title and description of section. This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for a whole section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    Contact Shortcode allows you to define map with settings of color scheme, define size of the map, and allows you providing content which will be shown bellow the map. On the container of this text you can use following text styles: < em > - to make text with color and bigger, < small > - to make text small but in uppercase, < b > - to make text uppercase and in color with normal size.
    Eventime Marker - click "+" add map container to add Eventime Marker - you will able to set lat-long of marker and choose needed image
    Eventime Testimonials - allows you to past testimonials slider with title and description of a section. This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for a whole section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    Testimonial entry - click "+" on the bottom of eventime container to add Testimonials entry - you can use standard text styles for this section.
    Eventime Counters Container - allows you to past container for Counters with title and description of a section. This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for all section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    Counter entry - click "+" on the bottom of Eventime Counter container to add Counter entry - you can use standard text styles for this section.
    Eventime Tabs - allows you to past container for Tabs with title and description of a section. This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for a whole section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    Tab entry - click "+" on the bottom of Eventime Tabs Container to add Tab - you can use any Visual composer shortcodes inside.
    Eventime Pricing Column - this shortcode should be used in column. You can also define the min-height of Price.
    Eventime Text Sections is the shortcode to display on full with two columns 50%/50% - text/image - it can be set to left-right falling for text and image. This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for a whole section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column.
    Eventime Row - this shortcode was made for eventime grid and allows you to put inside any Visual composer elements and they all will be displayed in the needed structure .This shortcode also can be used in "mask" mode which adds special dark transparent background for a whole section. After switching on "mask" mode you will need to define background in row settings above the pasted shortcode. IMPORTANT! - you need to use this shortcode only on full width column. Also you can set Gradient background to this section.

    Theme Eventime Changelog

    1.6.5 - 2018-03-23

    - WooCommerce compatebility with version 3.5.7 and fixes
    - WordPress 5.1.1 compatibility

    1.6.4 - 2018-12-22

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    -Updated WPBakery Page Builder to version 5.7

    1.6.3 - 2018-12-22

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    - WordPress 5+ compatibility

    1.6.2 - 2018-12-04

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version 5.4.8
    - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to version 5.6

    1.6.1 - 2018-03-09

    - Updated Visual Composer to version 5.4.7

    1.6.0 -2018-03-08

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    - Updated Visual Composer to version 5.4.6
    - WooCommerce 3.3
    - WordPress 9.4.4
    - CSS Fixes
    - WP Bakery Grid fixes
    - WooCommerce elements css fixes

    1.5.0 - 2017-11-22

    - Updated Slider Revolution
    - Updated Visual Composer
    - WooCommerce 3
    - WordPress 4.9

    1.4.3 - 2017-11-23

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    - Updated WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to version 5.4.4
    - WooCommerce 3.1.0 compatibility
    - WordPress 4.9 compatibility

    1.4.2 - 2017-02-22

    - New Demo "Nature"
    - Timerdown shortcode
    - Blog links problem
    - Preloader background color

    1.4.1 - 2016-12-23

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    - Updated Visual Composer to version 5.0.1
    - New Demo "Architecture"
    - CSS positioning issues in Safari
    - Preloader background color

    1.4.0 - 2016-12-01

    - Updated wpml-config.xml supporting translation of copyright note
    - Initialization of the speaker post type is moved after options handler
    - 2 new schedules layouts
    - New options for schedules: related speakers, related image, background, venue
    - Option to switch between displaying speaker information as a modal or in a page
    - Speaker page
    - New image size better optimized for inner ticket page
    - Flickering menu that appeared in some cases after menu item click

    1.3.2 - 2016-11-04

    - Updated Waypoints.js to version 4.0.1
    - Updated Font Awesome to version 4.7.0
    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    - Option to turn preloader off
    - Problems with incorrect theme domain
    - Child theme styles enqueuing
    - Child theme demo loading

    1.3.1 - 2016-09-09

    - Updated Visual Composer to version 4.12.1
    - Minor CF7 styling tweaks
    - Contact form 7 problem with inputs after failed validation
    - Woocommerce button color
    - Problems with markers descriptions
    - Removed offset from smoothscroll with non-fixed menu

    1.3.0 - 2016-08-24

    - Full WPML support including various styling issues
    - Ticket background image has received a defined size of 510x720
    - Issue with applying styling on number input when refreshing cart
    - Minification of css and js
    - Schedule buttons fixes
    - Minor css fixes

    1.2.4 - 2016-08-05

    - Updated Bootstrap to version 3.3.7
    - Updated Font Awesome to version 4.6.3
    - Header menu offset now reflects header height on smooth scroll
    - Styling issues with new WooCommerce version
    - Problems with child theme creation caused by get_stylesheet_directory()
    - Minor CSS Bug fixes
    - Add WPML config file
    - Add child theme

    1.2.3 - 2016-07-11

    - Added ApiKey to Google Map on Contact shortcode
    - Added new display options to Speakers - 2/3/4 columns
    - Added new feature to footer copyright - allows to use html tags
    - Updated styles to new Woocoommerce - My account and minor changes
    - Updated VisualComposer to version 4.12
    - Updated RevolutionSlider to version 5.2.6
    - Minor bug fixes

    1.2.2 - 2016-06-21

    - Fixed demo loading issues
    - New option for speakers shortcode to display only featured speaker

    1.2.1 - 2016-06-02

    - New Product Presentatiopn Landing Demo
    - New option for speakers shortcode to display only featured speaker

    - Translation functions related to multicolumn menu

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version

    1.2.0 - 2016-05-29

    - New shortcode: Countdown Timer
    - New menu style: wide multicolumn dropdown that can be used alongside normal menu
    - New MultiPage Demo
    - New Slider Layout
    - Demo importer progress bar

    - Problem with request timeout for when uploading demos
    - Minor CSS fixes

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version

    1.1.3 - 2016-05-10

    - Rebuild demo slider with newest Revolution Slider option
    - Imporvmens in tabs shortcode allowing to change alignment and width of specific tab buttons.
    - Option to enter min-hight for schedule shortcode container
    - Problem of absence of specific functions when using Eventime Post Types plugin without Eventime theme active

    1.1.2 - 2016-05-04

    - Safari fonts bug fixes
    - Eventime Text Section Shortcode - min-height issue fixed
    - Cart icon span style fixes in FireFox
    - Padding improvements in Eventime Contact shortcode without title and description

    - Footer options - added possibillity to hide footer and subfooter.
    - Added possibility to create contact message template
    - Moved animation setting to new Animation Tab

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version

    1.1.1 - 2016-04-30

    - WooCommerce styles improvements.
    - WooCommerce product type shortcode column fixes.

    - WooCommerce Cart icon style improvements.

    - Updated Font-Awsome Fonts to ver. 4.6.1

    - Preloading of loader logo image

    1.1.0 - 2016-04-22

    - Full WooCommerce support.
    - WooCommerce product type, Eventime Ticket, with distinctive styling and features selection.
    - 4 new loaders
    - Option to include special logo which is shown on loader screen

    - Normalized site logo margins, changed on default by Bootstrap.
    - Translation issues in shortcodes.

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version 5.2.5

    1.0.4 - 2016-04-14

    - Updated Slider Revolution to version
    - Updated Visual Composer version to 4.11.2.
    - Contact Form 7 integration (design & graphics compatibility. Added to TGMPA recomended plugins activation list).
    - Pricing columns margins issue. Now pricing column takes dimensions from parent container allowing easy background application via Visual Composer.
    - Allowed Eventime Contact Form placeholders to be translatable.
    - Selector bug that prevent JS parsing on newer jQuery version.
    - Site logo responsiveness.
    - Other minor styling issues.


    - Initial relase