Version 1.6.5
Thank you for choosing our product and for giving us opportunity to be part of your company vision! Remember to get familiar with doc. files which include necessary information about our theme and its features!
Eventime is the WordPress theme created not only for business activities related with meetings and events, because it can also be easily adopted for lots of different purposes such as theatre sites, clubs sites or creative agencies and corporations sites. Latest version of Visual Composer and Revolution slider is fully customizable and compatible with Eventime WP theme, many shortcodes, Schedule and Speakers post types, Grid blogs and galleries, sliders and VC elements, Animations, Fonts, sticky menu etc. We provide you a theme which you’re be able to effortlessly customize, theme with limitless capabilities of modification .
We are opened for any questions, suggestions and recommendations .We are always willing to assist our clients and develop ourselves. We will reply to all messages by email:
Note: If you contact us directly via email, please attach your purchase code:
Firstly please make sure that you unpacked Eventime WP theme file. It’s very important! Installation can be completed in two different ways:
1) WordPress Theme Manager - go to Appearance > Themes > Add new > Upload, select zipped theme folder called and press “Install Now” button. The WordPress will take care of the rest of the installation.
2) FTP upload - upload non-zipped theme folder called “eventime” to /wp-content/themes/ folder in your WordPress installation folder on your server.
IMPORTANT!!! After theme installation, at the top you will find a box with information about required and optional plugins. To install and activate them, please navigate to Appearance > Install Plugins section, and install necessary plugins. We included following plugins: Eventime Post Types (required), Slider Revolution (optional), Visual Composer (required).
Eventime Options
Eventime Options is location of theme extensive configuration. To view the panel, navigate to “Eventime Options” in the "Appearance" menu. Here you have the ability to alter many core aspects that influence how your theme looks and reacts. All of the ambiguous options include convenient descriptions explaining their purpose.
Logo - you can upload logo and set sizes in px to better view.
Site animations - switch on/off and set animation effect
Social intergarion - turn on/off social buttons on posts, provide links to share buttons
Side bar position - use left or right position of sidebar in blog. To use full width blog layout without sidebar, please delete all widgets from sidebar in Appearance -> Widgets
10 different loader spinners, you can choose one you want for all pages
Main Site Colors - settings of site color scheme:
index color - for main graphic and text elements,
header bar (navbar) - background with alfa and link color,
gradient background start and end color,
Loader background color with alpha settings
Header height Fixed height
Google fonts - add/remove fonts, select weight and subseet
Copyright note - enable/disable copyright note on second footer and provide content of note
Social Icons - enable/disable social icons on footer and provide content of links
CSS - put your custom css, that will be rendered after all styles on the page source
JS - put any JS code, that will be rendered on the bottom in page source
Contact form settings allows you to define email and subject of contact form.
IMPORTANT! - you need to provide email address after installation, if email address is empty –"Unknown error" message will appear in the contact form sending response
Speakers Post Types
Speakers Post Type allows you to define personal information of a speaker
You can provide follow info:
- Name of Speake
- Description
- Photo (in featured image section)
- Speaker Affiliation (in additional data on the bottom of page)
Schedule Post Types
Schedule Post type allows you to create a schedule or line up of your conference.
You can create as many schedules as you want. Every schedule is a single post.
Inside the schedule you can to choose a DAY, inside the DAY you can choose ENTERIES.
Eventime Shortcodes
Allows you to use additional functions of vc and eventime. Here is the description of each one:
Theme Eventime Changelog