Organization of a Design Days Conference series is a result of the continued policy and continuous learning process, connecting researchers and practitioners attempting to understand better the problems they are trying to address. The objectives of the Design Days Conferences tend to be integrative across the various disciplines, to reach the current state-of-the-art, to cover the multidisciplinary aspects of design and to assure high level review policy.

  • 25 +


  • 10 +

    grand hols

  • 55 +


  • 99 +


Design Education

Design thinking: cognitive modes and learning styles

Design approaches, strategies, methodologies and tactics

Problem solving: recognition procedures, hypothesis developmen

The meaning of innovation and creativity, in theory and practice

Designed Objects

Fashion design and development

Product design philosophy

Industrial and Interior design

Engineering and design

Design Management

People and artifacts: exploring uses and usability

Participatory design systems

Professional ethics

Design knowledge management


Design in social policy, planning, and politics

Health, safety, and public welfare in design practice

Design as business

Markets for design and designing for markets


Communications design

Visual arts


Graphic design


Eco design: environmental and green design

Theatre and set design

Interaction design

Landscape architecture


The business of design is in a state of flux. The roles, the tasks and the personae of designers are changing.

No longer the technical expert, the heroic aesthete or the inspired individual of our earlier modern past, the contemporary designer draws upon dispersed sources of creativity and innovation. Collaboration, today, is key. For design practitioners, a central paradox of our times is the increasing specialization, on the one hand, but on the other, the need for more broad-ranging and holistic integration of design tasks, working between and across design disciplines. Design is becoming an ever-more social, indeed sociable, process


The imperative to collaborate, moreover, extends well beyond the domain of professional interaction and working in design teams. It also extends to the relationship with the users, clients and consumers of design. Designers today need to build deeply collaborative relationships with their ‘public’. Participatory design and user-centered design are just two key phrases that capture the spirit of this imperative.


Our DesignDays 2016 conferences are designed for independent businesses, owners of small and medium enterprises and company directors.
The Company, which is based in the USA, works towards developing a wide range of professional tools to suit its customer base.

Design discourse

Designers need to able to ‘do’ a multimodal professional design discourse. They must speak and write their way through complex collaborations with co-designers and interactions with users. They need to be able to ‘do’ visualization as they explore design alternatives through mental images and picture their visions into reality. They need to be able to represent spatial realities, prefiguring the three dimensional through the two dimensional and turning plans into tactile artifacts, manipulable objects, architectural spaces and navigable landscapes. The new, digital media provide newly flexible and accessible tools for multimodal and synaesthetic thinking.


Design’s modalities are also in a state of flux, its working tools of representation, communication, visualization and imagination. Digitization of text, sound, and still and moving image is one important site of transition. This has spawned new practices of modeling and simulation, of prefiguring the real in the virtual. It has also introduced the virtual as a design end-in-itself.


Organization of a Design Days Conference series is a result of the continued policy and continuous learning process, connecting researchers and practitioners attempting to understand better the problems they are trying to address.


21th–24th of march 2017 | Main Conference Hall, New York, 180/2
As always, the Design Days Conference supports social networking to maintain the constant high quality level in serving the conference participants and the Design Society community.


Every year, we try our best to find the most inspirational speakers from all over the world. We are thrilled to show you people, who are the driving forces behind the most successful design projects and remarkable business stories.

Jeremy Crackevich

Featured guest

Crackevich's influence on contemporary graphic design is unparalleled. This outstanding expert and self-named typomaniac is responsible for numerous custom and redesigned typefaces and font identities for world-renowned corporations. Moreover, he has created dozens of commercial typefaces which are considered to be modern classics of typography. In 1979, he founded CrackevichDesign - German mega-firm providing global design consultancy. The success of this company can be measured by a long list of the most relevant prizes including multiple red dot awards and European Design Awards. More about Jeremy Crackevich can be found here.

Buy tickets via WooCommerce

To sell tickets online? There is nothing easier, use the integrated features of Eventime and woocommerce. In addition to the supporting of the standard store functions we have created a separate product type – Eventime ticket. By using it you get a unique design that can be customized by you at your request. Whether to add a background image or not, to use a frame, to select the mask color – it’s up to you, all these additions you can choose individually for each ticket. We’ve also introduced into use a special section of the additional fields, which can be seen at a common page with the products as well as within the ticket.


The world’s most successful designers come to share their personal experience and pragmatic insights on how put theory into action. Find out, how good design is born and what is its power. Now, you have the unique opportunity to explore the process and ideas, that really work.

One Day
Choose to customize a time frame that works best for you. You’ll still get to choose from every single session.

  • ONE day of Design Days Conference
  • Free ONE lunch and coffee brake
  • On-line account of all materials from DesignDays Conference
  • Free workshops
  • Individual interview with any one speaker

Two Days
Can’t make the full four days of Design Days Conference, but have more time than just a day? Choose a two-day.

  • TWO days of Design Days Conference
  • Free ONE lunch and coffee brake
  • On-line account of all materials from DesignDays Conference
  • Free workshops
  • Individual interview with any one speaker

The Big Ticket gets you into all five days Design Live and includes all sessions, workshops, keynotes and events.

  • ALL days of Design Days Conference
  • Free ONE lunch and coffee brake
  • On-line account of all materials from DesignDays Conference
  • Free workshops
  • Individual interview with any one speaker

All Days Registration. Customize a time frame that works best for you. You’ll still get to choose from every session with VIP zone everywhere.

  • After Party free entrance wit VIP guests and free talking with speakers
  • Free lunches&coffee brakes with specials and private table.
  • VIP section for each event with cocktails and drinks.

Guest Voucher. You can have a one guest for only one schedule event.

  • One event ticket for guest.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)



    Selcet days (required)

    Upload your abstract (for speaker candidates)

    I have read the terms and conditions and I agree with them

    Terms & Conditions

    § 1

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula velit, accumsan ac malesuada sit amet, dictum quis velit. Fusce ultricies risus vel felis commodo ullamcorper. Aenean et ullamcorper lectus. Vestibulum egestas posuere facilisis. In feugiat feugiat eros, fermentum lacinia lectus consectetur et. Maecenas imperdiet placerat lorem, non aliquet ex tristique quis.

    § 2

    Nullam maximus accumsan ullamcorper. Quisque sed mauris egestas, porttitor arcu vitae, maximus sapien. Donec risus justo, dictum egestas maximus a, fringilla eget dolor. Vestibulum pellentesque at tortor non egestas. Donec vestibulum ipsum quis arcu maximus, in hendrerit ligula eleifend.


    Pellentesque convallis lacinia neque, eget ullamcorper nulla interdum eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse aliquet suscipit augue efficitur pulvinar. Pellentesque ac nibh velit. Integer suscipit justo eu diam posuere interdum. Aliquam eu urna tincidunt, gravida lorem at, porttitor sem. Nulla quis condimentum leo.


    Proin tempor, lacus non sagittis convallis, odio dolor consequat libero, sit amet convallis justo ante nec velit. Cras massa tortor, auctor vitae purus ut, vehicula ullamcorper urna.


    Ut eu dui enim. Donec placerat quam a elit malesuada viverra venenatis ac lorem. Pellentesque bibendum leo id lacinia sagittis. Vestibulum vel luctus ex, et viverra purus. Sed hendrerit accumsan augue at aliquet. Etiam arcu enim, condimentum et mollis vel, volutpat nec neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


    What Do People Have to Say About the Design Days Conference? Attendee testimonials from past Design Days Conferences:


    Welcome to beast times of archive’s from past Design Days Conferences.

    Design Days Support is availible! 24 h / 7 days

    Please feel free to contact our support team if you’ll need any assistance.


    The Design Days Conference will take place at the Main Conference Hall New York, located at 151 East Wacker NY 60601.
    Come and enjoy the unique atmosphere of one of the most beautiful theatres in Bratislava, and the city which has so much to offer.

    One of the oldest Halls in NY has been praised by hosting actors from Hungary, Austria and Germany for ages. Situated on the south bank of the river and surrounded by a park, Arena Hals is just a few moments away from the historical center of NY. Be it for its beautiful historic look or super convenient location, we are very delighted to host our conference at this exceptional venue.

    Address: 151 East Wacker NY 60601
    GPS coordinates: 438.135696,317.114645

    Are you looking for a place to stay?

    NY has the accommodation for everyone, whatever your budget.
    We recommend, when selecting a hotel, going for one of the many hotels in the city center.
    Most of them offer a spectacular view of the historic part of town and the city landmarks.

    Food and Drink
    We prepared for you the best tips on nice places to eat & drink at NY Main Hall. Everything can be reached on foot in a few minutes.

    We always happy to help you with any questions or recommendations.

    Aaron Doe
    All media inquiries related to the Design Community
    919-123-1233 or 123-123-123

    Lyn Doe
    Event Customer Service Manager


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